happy new year歌词(经典版Happy New Year歌词,为您点燃新年希望)

抑扬顿挫的旋律,朗朗上口的歌词,怎能错过每年最重要的当口?不论人在哪里,开心快乐的迎接新年都是共同的期待。快随我们一起唱唱这经典版的Happy New Year歌曲吧!

Verse 1

No more champagne

And the fireworks are through

Here we are, me and you

Feeling lost and feeling blue

It's the end of the party

And the morning seems so grey

So unlike yesterday

Now's the time for us to say...


Happy New Year

Happy New Year

May we all have a vision now and then

Of a world where every neighbour is a friend

Happy New Year

Happy New Year

May we all have our hopes, our will to try

If we don't, we might as well lay down and die

You and I

Verse 2

Sometimes I see

All the brave new world arrives

And I see how it thrives

In the ashes of our lives

Oh yes, man is a fool

And he thinks he'll be okay

Dragging on, feet of clay

Never knowing he's astray

Keeps on going anyway...


Happy New Year

Happy New Year

May we all have a vision now and then

Of a world where every neighbour is a friend

Happy New Year

Happy New Year

May we all have our hopes, our will to try

If we don't, we might as well lay down and die

You and I
